AFSA Grading Syllabus
Sixth Kyu
Conditions necessary in order to be allowed into the exam:
Minimum 20 hours of training; Two (2) months of exercise from the date of joining
Preliminary exercises:
Aikitaiso – Ukemi - Taisabaki
Katatetori Aihanmi | Iriminage |
Katatetori Aihanmi | Kotegaeshi |
Katatetori Aihanmi | Ikkyo | Omote & ura |
Katatetori Aihanmi | Shihonage | Omote & ura |
Katatetori Aihanmi | Uchikaiten Sankyo |
Fifth Kyu
Conditions necessary in order to be allowed into the exam:
Minimum 20 hours of training; Two (2) months of exercise from the date attaining Sixth Kyu
Preliminary exercises:
Kokyu Ho
Shomenuchi | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Shomenuchi | Nikyo | omote & ura |
Shomenuchi | Kotegaeshi | |
Shomenuchi | Iriminage | |
Katatetori | Shihonage | omote & ura |
Katatetori | Udekimenage | irimi & tenkan |
Katatetori | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Katatori | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Shomenuchi | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Katatori | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Ryotetori | Kokyu ho | |
Fourth Kyu
Conditions necessary in order to be allowed into the exam:
Minimum 60 hours of training; Three (3) months of exercise from the date attaining Fifth Kyu
Katatetori | Tenchinage | |
Katatetori | Nikyo | omote & ura |
Ryotetori | Iriminage | |
Ryotetori | Shihonage | omote & ura |
Ryotetori | Tenchinage | |
Ryotetori | Udekimenage | |
Ryotetori | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Ryotetori | Kokyunage | |
Katateryotetori | Kokyunage | |
Shomenuchi | Sankyo | omote & ura |
Shomenuchi | Sankyo | uchikaiten |
Yokomenuchi | Shihonage | omote & ura |
Yokomenuchi | Iriminage | |
Yokomenuchi | Kotegaeshi | |
Yokomenuchi | Udekimenage | |
Chudantsuki | Iriminage | |
Chudantsuki | Kotegaeshi | |
Chudantsuki | Udekimenage | |
Chudantsuki | Uchikaitensankyo | |
Jodantsuki | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Shomenuchi | Nikyo | omote & ura |
Shomenuchi | Iriminage | |
Katatori | Nikyo | omote & ura |
Third Kyu
Conditions necessary in order to be allowed into the exam:
Minimum 90 hours of training; Four (4) months of exercise from the date attaining Fourth Kyu
Katatetori | Uchikaitennage | |
Katatetori | Sankyo | omote & ura |
Katatetori | Yonkyo | omote & ura |
Katateryotetori | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Katateryotetori | Nikyo | |
Katateryotetori | Kotegaeshi | |
Ryotetori | Kotegaeshi | |
Ryotetori | Kokyunage | |
Shomenuchi | Yonkyo | omote & ura |
Shomenuchi | Gokyo | |
Yokomenuchi | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Yokomenuchi | Uchikaitensankyo | |
Yokomenuchi | Tenchinage | |
Chudantsuki | Sankyo | omote & ura |
Chudantsuki | Hijikimeosae | |
Chudantsuki | Sotokaitennage | |
Ryotetori | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Ryotetori | Nikyo | omote & ura |
Ryotetori | Sankyo | omote & ura |
Ryotetori | Hijikimeosae | |
Ryotetori | Kotegaeshi | |
Ryotetori | Shihonage | |
Ryotetori | Iriminage | |
Shomenuchi | Kotegaeshi | |
Shomenuchi | Sankyo | omote & ura |
Katatori | Nikyo | omote & ura |
Katatori | Sankyo | omote & ura |
Second Kyu
Conditions necessary in order to be allowed into the exam:
Minimum 110 hours of training; Five (5) months of exercise from the date attaining Third Kyu
Shomenuchi | Jiyuwaza | |
Yokomenuchi | Nikyo | omote & ura |
Yokomenuchi | Sankyo | omote & ura |
Yokomenuchi | Yonkyo | omote & ura |
Yokomenuchi | Gokyo | |
Katateryotetori | Iriminage | |
Katatori Menuchi | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Katatori Menuchi | Shihonage | omote & ura |
Katatori Menuchi | Kotegaeshi | |
Katatori Menuchi | Iriminage | |
Katatori Menuchi | Koshinage | |
Munetori | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Munetori | Sankyo | omote & ura |
Munetori | Shihonage | |
Jodantsuki | Nikyo | omote & ura |
Jodantsuki | Sankyo | omote & ura |
Maegeri | Iriminage | |
Ryokatatori | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Ryokatatori | Nikyo | omote & ura |
Ryokatatori | Sankyo | omote & ura |
Ryokatatori | Iriminage | |
Ryokatatori | Kotegaeshi | |
Ryohijitori | Kotegaeshi | |
Ryohijitori | Iriminage | |
Katatetori Kubishime | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Eritori | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Shomenuchi | Yonkyo | omote & ura |
Shomenuchi | Sotokaitennage | |
Ryokatatori | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Chudantsuki | Kotegaeshi | |
Jodantsuki | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
First Kyu
Conditions necessary in order to be allowed into the exam:
Minimum 160 hours of training; Eight (8) months of exercise from the date attaining Second Kyu
(At least 80 hours during the last 4 months)
Munetori Menuchi | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Munetori Menuchi | Nikyo | omote & ura |
Munetori Menuchi | Sankyo | omote & ura |
Munetori Menuchi | Koshinage | |
Jodantsuki | Yonkyo | omote & ura |
Jodantsuki | Iriminage | |
Jodantsuki | Shihonage | omote & ura |
Jodantsuki | Sotokaitennage | |
Jodantsuki | Ushirokiriotoshi | |
Jodantsuki | Koshinage | |
Yokomenuchi | Jiyuwaza | |
Chudantsuki | Jiyuwaza | |
Maegeri | Jiyuwaza | |
Ryotetori | Yonkyo | omote & ura |
Ryotetori | Kokyunage | |
Ryotetori | Koshinage | |
Katatetori Kubishime | Sankyo | |
Katatetori Kubishime | Hijikimeosae | |
Eritori | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Eritori | Sankyo | omote & ura |
Eritori | Koshinage | |
Shomenuchi | Jiyuwaza | |
Ryokatatori | Sankyo | omote & ura |
Ryokatatori | Yonkyo | omote & ura |
Katatori Menuchi | Iriminage | |
Katatori Menuchi | Kotegaeshi | |
Katatori Menuchi | Kokyunage | |
Katatetori | Ikkyo | omote & ura |
Katatetori | Shihonage | omote & ura |
Katatetori | Uchikaitennage | |
Ryotetori | Shihonage | omote & ura |
(First dan)
Conditions necessary in order to be allowed into the exam:
Minimum 240 hours of training; Twelve (12) months of exercise from the date attaining First Kyu. Minimum age to partake for examination is 14 years.
Part I:
During the official meeting the teaching committee will observe the candidates’ proficiency and effectively in the following areas: breathing, posture and general technique.
Part II:
Breathing exercises
Basic Techniques:
· Tachiwaza
· Hanmihantachiwaza
· Suwariwaza
· Ushirowaza
Variations of basic techniques
Particular forms and variations of attack and defence
(Second dan)
Conditions necessary in order to be allowed into the exam:
Minimum two and a half (2,5) years of training since being awarded the degree of Shodan
(Four (4) Years since being awarded the degree of Shodan Suisen).
Part I:
During the official meeting the teaching committee will observe the candidates’ proficiency and effectively in the following areas: breathing, posture and general technique.
Part II:
The examinee must show a much-improved technical ability since being awarded Shodan.
Part III:
Basic Aikiken
(Third dan)
Conditions necessary in order to be allowed into the exam:
Minimum three (3) years of training since being awarded the degree of Nidan
(Four (4) years since being awarded the degree of Nidan Suisen)
Part I:
During the official meeting the teaching committee will observe the candidates’ proficiency and affectivity in the following areas: breathing, posture and general technique.
Part II & III:
The examinee must show a much-improved technical ability since being awarded Nidan.
Part IV:
(Fourth dan)
Conditions necessary in order to be allowed into the exam:
Minimum four (4) years of training since being awarded the degree of Sandan
(Five (5) years since being awarded the degree of Sandan Suisen)
Part I:
During the official meeting the teaching committee will observe the candidates’ proficiency and affectivity in the following areas: breathing, posture and general technique.
Part II, III & IV:
The examinee must show a much improved technical ability since being awarded Sandan.
(Fifth dan)
Directly nominated by Zaidan Hoshin Aikikai (Japan) following Technical Director’s indication.
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