In honour of the changing seasons, and since we have just said good-bye to the Zodiac sign of Pisces, we held our regular Sunday morning training on the soft white sands of Clifton's 3rd beach.
The early morning air was thick with sea spray, the thundering waves played a maritime march as background music to our training and the practice took on a particularly nautical theme: kokyo
-nage and tenchi
-nage flowed like the movement of the waves over the rocks...
As the sun rose and even one gigantic wave tried to join us where we were training on the shore, our attention turned to working with bokken and tanto and then finally to facing weapons unarmed.
We presented the regulars at Clifton with a peculiar sight, creating a lot of interest from passers-by.
We rounded off the session with some wicked ice-cream combinations from Sinn-full in Camps Bay. Autumn in Cape Town is still a special time....
Our next training outdoors will have to involve the mountains of Cape Town somehow :-)